How Your Support Helps
Every dollar counts. Every gift helps change the quality of life of children and adults living in impoverished areas
Your gifts transform lives
- Tanzania is one of the world’s poorest countries in terms of per capita income with the average person living on less than $1 per day. The country ranks 12th in the world for HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate, a fact that leaves many children orphaned and without family support.
- Every $1 is a significant contribution toward food and proper nutrition, school supplies and education, medicines and medical supplies, and completing facilities necessary to provide for the needs of children and their families.
- SALTworld Inc. is dedicated to the building of orphanages, dispensaries, and schools, and to helping to meet the needs of those utilizing the services of those facilities by collecting supplies and providing funding for essentials.
Your gifts support a variety of annual service projects in developing countries such as
- The building of dispensaries, schools, and libraries.
- Providing medical support to hospitals.
- Assisting orphanages in order to promote positive social change.
Your gifts promote learning and education
- Through projects designed to complete the building of schools and the dissemination of supplies, your gift offers children the opportunity to learn to read and write, and to build skills necessary to contribute to their own community in the future.
Your gifts build awareness and leadership
- Through volunteerism, members of SALTworld Inc. are able to travel to some of the locations we seek to benefit in an effort to transport and deliver medicine and medical supplies, school supplies and educational materials, and other necessities.
- Fundraising efforts heighten awareness of the special needs of the communities which are the focus of our outreach – and whether a donation comes through actual supplies or in a monetary form – every dollar and every item makes a difference!